Un Proyecto del departamento de Inglés (3ºESO)
Conchi Ivorra y Nieves Abellán
We definitely didn’t have enough RadioMola last year and therefore, we had +RadioMola this one. This is a really good chance to participate in an interdisciplinary and innovative educational project, supported by our Valencian government.
Setting off by watching a trailer and some bits of the film Yesterday, which was released last summer, we could figure out how concerned our 3º ESO students were about this emblematic worldwide known pop group called The Beatles, and about the city where they were born and became famous, Liverpool. Our target would be to show the rest of the students in our school all we know about our 4 characters and their music using our brand new radio station and address system.
To picture a more attractive and motivating project, we use gamification as a common thread and we introduce it with a video-clip from Sherlock, the famous TV series and the mysterious apparition in Strawberry Fields of a box containing some objects such as a map with different spots to decipher.
For some weeks, our students will become helpers of the popular detective Sherlock, who will have to work out all the challenges turning up. Who knows? Maybe they all will be able to crack all the locations in the map and what each of them means.

For the different game sessions, apart from the testing, we have prepared some motivation components such as avatars, letters, badges, attention triggers or extra point rewards.
Our final product would be a radio programme, a quiz about this famous group, their songs and the place where they grew up or a current affairs programme, going back to the 60s to chat with members of the band of the early years or carrying out present interviews.
Leaving apart the usual classroom students books, but not forgetting their goals and contents, we have looked for the exact material to fulfil this project. We’ve used the proper books, and many different internet sources. All of it, mixed with other techniques in a PBL cocktail shaker, presents a wonderful listening, reading, speaking and writing activities display, perfect to create our own radio scripts.
What do you think? Isn’t it thrilling? We can’t wait!!!